Friday, September 30, 2005

The puppet pianist Posted by Picasa

Rainbow behind the flag Posted by Picasa

The pier from the deck of Endeavour Posted by Picasa

Sailing on Captain cook's endeavour Posted by Picasa

Captain cook with the gull on his head Posted by Picasa

Captain cook and the whale bone arch Posted by Picasa

a miniature replica Posted by Picasa

bandstand Posted by Picasa

The crow's perch Posted by Picasa

Is this where they shot the Good the bad and the ugly? Graveyard shift!! Posted by Picasa

Whitby abbey with the waves of clouds Posted by Picasa

Whitby abbey with the graveyard Posted by Picasa

Whitby along the river Posted by Picasa

The pier at whitby Posted by Picasa

Whitby's river and the red top houses Posted by Picasa

The port at whitby Posted by Picasa

Sea gulls with the abbey in the backdrop Posted by Picasa

Swan in the river Posted by Picasa